Crew-Talk Patricia Frontain
Patricia Frontain
Thank you Patricia for your time to answer my talk.
I am glad to meet you and call you a friend now.
Keep working and stay like you are!
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Thank you
on set of chicago pD
Patricia about her work on set
What is your job on set:
I am in charge of Continuity, Timing, Dialogue, Story time of day, Notes for the Editor.
I am the eyes of the Editor on set and another set of eyes for the Director
To ensure that we shoot the appropriate camera angles and make sure all continuity matches with the scene, episode, and season so that the Editor has accurate footage to cut the episode. I keep an accurate running time of the episode. I am the person who keeps the details on what was shot each day.
What do you like most about your job?
Artistically: I love doing puzzles and shooting an episode is like a puzzle. We shoot out of order, but it all needs to make sense in the cutting room. Each department is in charge of their responsibilities, but I get to be an objective eye to make sure it all is accurate and flows together. I love sitting next to the Director and helping make their dream a reality!!
Personally: When you were together as a team under extreme conditions and with passion, the company becomes a family. We all experience the emotions when someone gets married, becomes a parent, gets ill, has a death in the family, etc. The “work family” made it possible for me to get through the death of my son and husband and parents….I have been able to lean on them throughout it all…when I feel sad on set, they lift me up and keep me going until I feel better. That is what we all do for each other and it is beautiful.
What’s the worst thing about your job?
It is pretty constant all day and it can get tiring being on the computer and looking at TV Monitors all day. But, the very, very worst is shooting in an extremely cold climate! Anything under 20 F is grueling. It is hard on our bodies, brains and computers.
Other people should learn this job, because…
… because it is an integral position on set. Most people don’t have a clue what we are doing! They would be very surprised to realize that we are recording an enormous amount of data.
How long are you working for Chicago PD/MED/Fire?
Since the beginning. Season One, Episode One
My day on set
Where do I sit on set?
I am always at “Video Village”. That is where the Director/Writer/Producer/Technical Advisor/ Script Supervisor sit. I leave village to go with the actors for rehearsals, read throughs, or to speak with an actor while are shooting. (And to periodically use the restroom!! Lol.)
How many hours do we work each day?
We work about 12-13 hours a day. I work an extra hour each day to send the Script Notes into the Editor at the end of day and to prepare in the morning before crew call. I also spend approximately 20 hours Prepping each episode…that is usually done on week-ends.
How many days a week on set?
I am always on set. Five days a week
When are you usually on set in the morning?
I am an early bird. I always arrive to the location 1 hour in advance. I prep for the day, have breakfast and work on Patrick Lives On.
How long do you work on a production day?
If a camera is rolling, a Script Supervisor is present. We usually shoot 12-13 hours a day. I then have about 30-60 minutes of work when I arrive home…sending my notes to Editorial.
Behind the cameras
Let´s talk about Set-Secrets
Funniest Person on set?
Paddy and LaRoyce never, ever stop being silly and playing.
Jon Seda is great at making “Dad Jokes”… silly jokes he makes up, little plays on words. BUT…
Brian Luce, Tech Advisor and Producer never stops keeping us on our toes!!
My personal funniest moment:
My personal funniest moment was a few years ago. It was winter and we had been shooting outside with a million layers of clothes on for weeks. Brian Luce and I were talking about how we would be on stage the next day and how we should all wear our comfy pajamas. He said he would tell people and I said I would tell people. I did not know that he went behind my back and told everyone to NOT wear their pajamas!!! So, the next day, I showed up in pink snowmen PJs. It was funny, but the joke was on them because I was extremely comfortable all day long!! Lol
Your favorite snack on set?
I do not have time to eat!! If I need a snack, I usually get nuts.
With whom would you like to shoot one day?
I have many artistic heroes. As a Script Supervisor, I would love to work with Martin Scorsese. As a Director, I would love to work with Meryl Streep.
Would you like to tell us something else?
I don’t know of any running gags. There are probably many with some of the other crew members who have more down time. The Script Supervisor is always busy and is always looking at the Film or Computer Monitors!